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The Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) is responsible for providing policy advice on all matters of national human resource development: coordination and promotion of the implementation of the National Human Resource Development Strategy: development of the National and Sector Human Resource Development Plans and planning and advising on tertiary education financing and workplace learning.

Furthermore, HRDC is mandated to establish and manage a nationwide Labour Market Information System (LMIS) and Education and Skills Development Database, hence the Labour Market Observatory (LMO). The HRDC is launching the LMO Governing Body, it is against this background that HRDC calls for research papers to solicit input from researchers and experts in order to set the tone and agenda for the Governing Body with the view to assist it to monitor labour market trends and provide appropriate policy directions.

The HRDC aims to attract contributions from scholars, academics, higher education practitioners, industry and institutional researchers. To this end, HRDC invites contributions of research papers for presentation at the launch of the LMO Governing Body in October 2022.

The research paper should be scholarly and original. The paper can be based on desktop research, a case study, or empirical data. It can address specific theoretical and conceptual concerns related to the launch theme and sub-themes.

You are invited to submit an abstract on any of the following sub-themes:



  1. Overview of the Botswana Labour Market (Pre, During & Post COVID-19);
  2. Technology, Education and the Botswana Labour Market: The Role of Labour Market Policy;


  1. Graduate Unemployment in the Face of Skills Shortages: A Labour Market Paradox;


  1. Labour market mismatch and labour productivity: Evidence from the Botswana Quarterly Multi-topic Survey data; and


  1. Labour market information and analysis for skills development and attainment of knowledge-based economy.

Abstracts Submission Guidelines


The abstract should be between 200 and 250 words. Abstracts should be submitted with the following sections: objectives, methods used, results (if already available), conclusions, recommendations, and keywords.


Abstract should be emailed to, and Copied to More information on submission guidelines should be accessed from the HRDC website.


Email: for any enqueries and/or further information.

Tel: +267 393 0741






Abstract Submission Deadline

Friday 24th June 2022

Abstract Feedback from HRDC

Friday 8th July 2022

Submission of Full Papers

Friday 9th  September 2022

Submission of Presentations on Powerpoint Format

Wednesday 28th September 2022

Launch of the LMO Governing Body

Tuesday 11th October 2022


News Date: 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

News Date: Wednesday 27 September 2023